The Kingdom of Righteousness!
Does injustice nauseate you? Is it hard to find someone you can confide in? Are you ready to wave goodbye to COVID-19 . . . forever? If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, then take heart! There’s a better day coming. Read Isaiah 32:1-8 and 15-20 for exciting details!
There’s no doubt in my mind that there are many, many politicians nationwide who daily strive to do things right. They seek counsel, they try to surround themselves with good people, and some might even pray. But in spite of our best efforts, we can never totally do right and make right decisions without the influence of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. A lot of well-intentioned people fail every day, miserably. WE NEED GOD! Period. And, in spite of how bad things may look today or tomorrow or next week, there IS a better day coming! The Prophet Isaiah gives us an overview in chapter 32. It’s a great read, and is worth your time and effort to explore.
A lot of people are confused about this issue of “righteousness.” Allow me to share with you a very simple definition. Righteousness is NOT “doing things right.” Righteousness IS “doing right things.” There’s a BIG difference and there are a lot of people that are excellent with “doing things right.” They’re very skilled. They’re very articulate. They’re very educated. As a nation, we are incredibly gifted in producing products with e-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-c-e. We can build a car like nobody's business. We can build and manage technology. With a focused amount of effort and sweat equity, your company can rise to be a “Fortune 500” company, envied by thousands.
But none of those things will get you into heaven and this Kingdom of Righteousness we’re talking about. To gain entrance there you have to “do right things.” Very simply, you have to base every aspect of your life on the Bible. The Bible is our roadmap on how to “do right things.” In other words, it has to be God’s way, not yours! You have to submit to His will, not your own! You must be born again. You must repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior (see Romans 10:9-10). You have to die to your own wishes and plans and ideas every day. But the reward is well worth the effort, because if you commit to “doing right things,” you will one day be a part of “THE Kingdom of Righteousness!”