Pride or Humility?
Have you ever met someone who is “full of themself?” They love to talk about their accomplishments and their smarts. They love to brag about their wealth or social standing or possessions. Well, we know that type of attitude or mindset will one day vanish. God will humble them as only He can! Read Isaiah 23:9 for God’s ultimate plan for all humanity. #YFA #iDevo
Isaiah is a prophet of God who prophesied around 700 B.C. He spoke of future events as if he were actually present when they took place. In chapter 53, he graphically describes the price and agony and redemption of the cross. It’s amazing how totally accurate his prophecies were, even though penned hundreds of years before completion.
In addition, Isaiah prophesied specifically to several nations and kingdoms. Tyre is an example of such in chapter 23. They were a nation that was full of pride (sound familiar?). Isaiah prophesied that God would judge Tyre and bring it down for 70 years, and then restore her, but not to the same level of prominence it once held. You see, God has a way of getting our attention. His main judgment against Tyre is found in verse 9, where He says, “The LORD Almighty planned it, to bring low the pride of all glory and to humble all who are renowned on the earth.” You see, Isaiah’s prophecy extended beyond Tyre, to “all who are renowned on the earth.”
God’s going to bring down the pride and haughtiness of America, of China, of Russia, of Japan, of Saudi Arabia, and on and on and on. And yes, He’s going to bring down the pride and haughtiness of YOU and ME and everyone else who needs humbling!
Every morning during my personal prayer time I pray, “Lord, make me humble and broken.” The reason I pray this is very simple. I have the promise of Psalm 51:17 where David said, “a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” Wow! What a promise. I don’t need to focus on my parents’ pride or my neighbor's pride or my classmate’s pride. I NEED TO FOCUS ON MY PRIDE! If I do that, God WON’T despise me or turn me away.
The choice is yours. And you’ll make the same choice tomorrow and the next day and the next. And this is it . . . “PRIDE OR HUMILITY?”