A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Who Do You REALLY Worship?

Who or what is most important to you? What do you spend your most time and energy on? Could there be idols in your life? Read Isaiah 2! #YFA #iDevo

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Isaiah gives a warning of judgment for both Israel and Judah in chapter 2. They had filled their land with sorcerers, made alliances with pagans, were full of human pride and arrogance, and worshipped idols that they had made with their own hands. Sin was rampant and idol worship was a major part of that during this time. 

Fast-forward to now. You may not worship a carved statue or a molded image today, BUT there are many things that can become idols in our lives. Anything you put above God is an idol. Placing people or objects that symbolize power above God means that they are more important to you than Him. Cars, money, houses, sports, celebrities, etc . . . they are all a part of our world and are not wrong in and of themselves. However, when we value them more than God and spend more time trying to acquire them than we do spending time with God, then they become an idol. 

Isaiah warns Israel and Judah about the day of judgment coming. Human pride, arrogance, and idols will be brought down. There will be punishment for their sins. One day we will also have to answer for our choices and actions here on this earth. Will the Lord find you faithful to Him? Who or what will He find you REALLY worshipping?

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