The Cover of Darkness
Ever wonder at what time of day we struggle with sin and temptation the most? Check out Proverbs 7. #YFA #iDevo #Sin
Paul said in Romans that we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glorious standard. The statement is not to excuse our sin and failure just to acknowledge that we are not perfect and will have moments when we might stumble and fall. The thing is in life we have times when our defenses are super strong and other times when they are at their weakest. Satan understands this and even tried to tempt Jesus after he had fasted for 40 days. The first temptation after fasting food for 40 days was to turn rocks into bread. Satan in the same way looks for opportune times to tempt us. The two biggest that Solomon points out are:
When we are alone. The man in Proverbs 7 was not in a group. There was no one to hold him accountable and keep him away from sin. In the same way, most of do not struggle with sin or temptation when surrounded by other believers. It’s when they are not around we are at our most vulnerable.
The other is in darkness. Light normally exposes us and it is at night in darkness that specific things happen. First in darkness or the middle of the night we are more likely to be alone or have less accountability. The 2nd is that darkness hides things, our minds can look at darkness and think no one will see or no one will know and it opens doors to sin we have to stay away from.
Darkness and being alone are 2 things we cannot avoid but we have the ability to make sure our defenses are higher and we have the ability to put accountability in place. The thing is we just need to be prepared in advance.