A daily reminder to consume a living hope


What's Written?

If your life is like a book what is written on it’s pages? Check out Proverbs 20 #YFA #iDevo

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Our lives are defined by what we do and like a book and its pages our actions are written all over us. The actions can be described differently based on who is seeing them, us, other people, or God. To be honest what we think about ourselves and what others think about us does not matter in the light of eternity but it does impact us in the present. As believers our actions are a light that should draw people to God but a lot of times our flesh can cause us to push people away.

As you read Proverbs 20 think about the differences and if you were to be described by God, another person, or yourself what words would describe you.

Not wise, quarreler, dishonest, slanderer, gossip, rash, thief

Trustworthy, integrity, clean heart, pure of sin, knowledgeable, listener

What words describe your life?

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