A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Hidden Sin

Are there skeletons in your closet? John 4:13-19 #YFA #iDevo #HiddenSin #SkeletonsInCloset

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JESUS CAN READ YOUR MAIL!  As hard as that is to accept, it’s true, and somewhat frightening.  In John 4, Jesus is conversing with the woman at the well. This, in and of itself, was socially unacceptable.  Samaritans were considered unclean, half-breeds by the “pure” Jews. But your social standing or condition will never prohibit God’s intervention.

In this story, the woman had been married and divorced five times, and was currently living in an adulterous situation.  This didn’t stop the intervention of Christ. He cleaned her up, gave her purpose and set her on the right course. He can do the same for you.

What’s your “condition”?  Angry? Fearful? Hooked on opioids?  A broken spirit? Suicidal? JESUS CARES!  Give Him a chance. He’ll turn your brokenness into wholeness.  He’ll give you new direction. He’ll put the spring back in your step.  He’ll put a smile on your face and a peace in your heart. He’s available - right now (Romans 10:9-10). 

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