A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Hopeless or Hopeful?

Feeling hopeless? Searching for answers? Check out John 5:1-13! #YFA #iDevo #RestoringHope #BreakFree

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In John 5, Jesus heals a lame man sitting by the pool of Bethesda. This man had been sick for 38 long years. When Jesus asked him “Would you like to get well?”  his response was “I can’t, sir.”(NLT) No one had ever helped this desperate man. From his point of view, there was no hope of him ever being healed or getting better. Humanly speaking, this lame man’s circumstances seemed hopeless. 

What challenges are you facing that seem hopeless to you? Does a resolution or answer to your problem seem impossible? Don’t lose hope. No matter how difficult your situation may seem, all things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26). When Jesus arrived on the scene, the lame man’s life changed completely. Don’t stop trusting and believing. Put your hope in Jesus Christ and let Him minister to your every need!

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