A daily reminder to consume a living hope



Are you or someone you love in need of a miracle? Check out John 2:1-12 #YFA #iDevo #Miracles


The wedding at Cana is the first time we read about Jesus performing a miracle. While it is a good bet some miracles probably happened before then we are not totally sure since they are not written down. There are a couple things we can learn from Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding.

1. Mary did not ask for herself but for someone else. Her motives were pure and while we do not know the relationship between her and the bride ad groom she was looking out for them. (verse 3)

2. Mary put her faith into action. Mary did not just believe Jesus could do the miracle she told the servants to do what ever Jesus said. (verse 5)

3. The servants had to put faith and trust into action to fill the water and then serve it (verse 7-8)

Faith + Action + God’s Participation = A Miracle
Here is the deal it is great to have faith to trust God to be able to do something and expect Him to do it. The problem is when we just sit back expecting the miracle to happen we basically turn God into Santa Clause who just gives us our wishes and desires. The reality is it does not work that way. Faith means believing that something can happen that seems impossible in the moment but is possible when seen through God’s eyes and from His perspective. Faith then needs action to make the miracle possible. It means doing all that we can do and trusting in God to do the rest. Ultimately we have to do our part and trust God to do what is impossible for us. That means having a relationship with him that puts aside our selfish motivation, seeks to understand in His will and His timing, and begins to experience the impossible becoming possible.

The truth is most of us turn to God when we need a big miracle but we have not built our faith and trust in him with the smaller miracles that we can almost do on our own. Take some time as you pray today and begin to write a list of prayers that only God can make happen. Start praying them daily and then keep track ever time God answers one. This will help build your faith and trust for when you need that God size miracle in your life.

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