A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Title & Position or Power & Influence

Do you just want the title and position? How are you using your power and influence as a leader? Check out Esther 10:1-3 #iDevo #YFA #Title #Influence #Leadership

The last chapter of Esther is only a few verses, but there is much to gain about how to be the leader that God wants you to be. Because of his great achievements, the king promoted Mordecai to become the prime minister, the second highest ranking official in the nation. He was held in high esteem and continued to have a great reputation among the Jews. But why? Because even after he rose to the top, he did not turn his back on his people. He was still their friend. Mordecai used his power and influence to work for the good of the Jews.

As a believer, we all influence others in some way. We should never abuse our authority or power and never turn our back on those in need just because of our position. Good character and living a life of integrity define a great Christian leader. Look for ways to use your power and influence to help grow the Kingdom!

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