A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Patiently Waiting

Would you rather have a reward right now or have to patiently wait for it. Check out Esther 8:1-7 #iDevo #YFA #TheWaitIsWorthIt

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Mordecai spent a lot of time waiting for his reward. In the same way sometimes our rewards are not given or seen at first. They are held and presented later. The thing to understand is that earthly recognition is not what it is important. What is important is glorifying God in all we do. In the end what we need to know is someone is watching what we do. It is being written down whether on paper or an image on a cell phone or simply ingrained in one’s mind. What we do speaks volumes and while the reward may not be immediate or ever received on earth. One day that reward will be given to us in eternity.

Have you ever been in the situation where your hard work has not paid off or it seems no matter how hard you try there is no reward. Remember to stay patient and faithful, trust God to see you through and know even if you never receive the recognition you deserve on Earth. God has seen your faithfulness, perseverance, and dedication to see things through.

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