A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Principle or Preference:

Do you make decisions or take action based on principle or preference? Check out Esther 7:1-6. #YFA #iDevo #Principle #Preference

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Have you ever thought about the difference between preference and principle when it comes to making a decision or taking action? Principle is basically a non-negotiable and based on the Word of God. Our principles are rooted in Christ and there is not a difference of opinion. Things like murder, stealing, lying, bullying, hurting someone, those are matters of principle they are things the Bible clearly defines as things believers should not be a part of. Preference on the other hand can simply be what we like/dislike or makes us comfortable/uncomfortable. Style of dress, type of music, favorite type of food, or music volume are some things that are matters of preference.

Queen Esther comes before the king and points out preference and principle. Now we understand slavery to be wrong especially in the context of American History. In Esther’s day it was common for a defeated people to be forced to do hard labor for a period of time. She points out to the king that if it was just subjecting her people to hard labor she would have preferred it not happen but she would have remained silent. Since her people were going to be put to death, this on the other hand was a matter of principle and she had to speak up.

In the same way we go through life and have to decide is this a matter of principle where maybe we remain silent, look for a compromise, or do not always get our way. Or is it a matter of principle where God’s way is the only way and that is the way we must follow no matter what the world thinks or what is popular at the time.

We will all have moments like Esther where we need to stand for something. We just need to make sure we are taking a stand for matters of principle and not matters or preference because we want our own way.

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