A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Divine Destiny

Divine Destiny - What is it that God has called you to do? Will you embrace it or run away? Check out Esther 4:13-14. #YFA #iDevo #DivineDestiny

Divine Destiny Esther 4_13-14 (1).png

Esther is in a tough position. Haman has gotten the king to issue and order to kill all of her people. As queen no one knew she was a Jew and she probably would have survived if the order was carried out. She was safe but Mordecai and her people were not. Some times in life we are put in a similar situation. Maybe it is a bully picking on another student out school, standing up for what is right at work, or even just saying no and standing up to our friends or family when they are trying to get us to go against scripture.

The easy path is to stay silent and not do anything but God does not always call us to the easy path. Some times he calls us to use the position he has placed us in and the influence he has given us to impact and change the world around us. Mordecai points this out to Esther, you are queen and maybe God put you there so you would be in that position to thwart the plans of the enemy.

The amplified Bible puts it this way, “And who knows whether you have attained royalty for such a time as this [and for this very purpose]?”

To rephrase for us, “And who knows whether you have (been promoted, made a leader, given influence) for such a time as this and for this very purpose.”

Are you ready to change your world? Then remember God’s plans normally requires faith, sacrifice, and boldness to be different from the world.

Faith - to trust God’s plan and purpose when we do not understand it all in the moment
Sacrifice - To get out of our comfort zone and giving something up or surrender to God. (like pride)
Boldness - The ability to put our faith into action and overcome our fear. (Fear not!!!)

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