Stand Firm
When your past catches up to you will you stand firm or falter? Check out Esther 3 and 1 Sam 15. #YFA #iDevo #StandFirm
As you read Esther chapter 3 it is also important to take a look at 1 Samuel 15. There Saul is told to destroy the Amalekites and their king Agag. Saul basically does 99% of what was commanded but he spared the king and the best spoils from the war instead of destroying them. Saull’s 1% disobedience was costly. For King David he later had to rescue his wives and those of his men from the Amalekites. (1 Samuel 30). Then we see where Haman comes into play as descendant of King Agag.
Now here is the deal. We all make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes can come back to get us. This was the case with Haman. King Saul’s disobedience allowed a remnant to live and is it not surprising they would have a profound hatred for the Jewish people. The thing is the past came back and Mordecai had two choices, he could have bowed down and taken the easy road or he could stand firm no matter the consequences and stay obedient to God. Mordecai picked the later and it burned Haman up.
We will all experience a similar decision at different points in life. Maybe the consequences will not be as life or death as Mordecai’s choice but we all will face times when it is easier to duck and hide from our past or stand firm and face it. Today, take some time to examine your life and where you may have faltered before and where you need to stand firm today.
Remember you do not have to be defined by your past, it is behind you, as a believer in Christ, you are a new creation and your past is no more. Today is a new day and your future is ahead of you, make the decision today to go towards the future God has for you and not backward towards the past that satan keeps trying to chain you too. Be the you God created you to be!