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David or Saul: Disobedience and Grace

What's the worst that could happen obeying only 99% of God's command? Check out 1 Sam 28:16-19 #iDevo #YFA #LivingLeadership

Comparing Saul to David based on what they did wrong is interesting. Saul carried out 99% of God’s command but that 1% disobedience was the last straw. David on the other hand committed adultery, murder to cover it up, and disobeyed God too. So why is Saul seen in such a poor light compared to David as a man after God’s own heart.

1 Samuel 13 Saul made excuses for his disobedience.
1 Samuel 15 Saul made excuses for his disobedience and claimed obedience at doing 99%. It was not until Samuel truly rebuked him and told him of the consequences of his actions that he became sorry. Asking fr forgiveness was his last resort.
David on the other when confronted by the prophet Nathan immediately repented and turned back to God each time.

Here is the thing we have the same choice in life. We all make mistakes and let’s be honest most of us do not even hit 99% obedience in some of the things God wants us to do. Our response though to the sin or failure will determine the course of our lives. When we are unrepentant, it leads to God’s voice becoming harder and harder to hear. The walls we build in our disobedience insulate us from His voice and conviction. That was Saul’s struggle and if we are not careful could be ours as well.

Grace is not a license to sin, we though can understand from David’s example that when we do make mistakes or sin our first response should be to seek God’s face and His forgiveness.

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