A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Persecuted: What to do?

Under attack or persecution should you fight back or walk away? Check out 1 Sam 27:1-4 #iDevo #YFA #LivingLeadership

David had been on the run for a while. He finally had to make a decision stay on the run from the King who was constantly attacking and trying to kill him or get out of the situation.

A lot of times we end up in the same situation we are constantly under attack or persecution by our leadership through no fault of our own. We know fighting back will just make things worst so what to do stay in the situation or get away from it. That decision is one of the hardest to make and should come through time in prayer and seeking God’s face and direction. Choosing to leave or quit just because things have gotten tough just causes us to constantly quit and give up. There are times though when our best course of action is to walk away, to be the better person and remove the problem from our lives. This is what David decided to do. He had made a commitment to not harm King Saul and he was afraid that one day the spear throwing king would hit his mark. So he walked away to protect himself, his family, his men, and their families. Walking away was not his first response but his last resort in an unattainable position.

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