A daily reminder to consume a living hope


The Life of Moses: A Lesson in Perseverance

The Life of Moses

A Lesson in Perseverance

Exodus 7:3 But I will make Pharaoh’s heart stubborn so I can multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt.

Have you ever been in a situation where things did not go as planned or road blocks and failures keep coming in the way? For Moses he was 80 years old when God sent him to Pharaoh to free the Israelites. Now when God said he would make Pharaoh’s heart stubborn, I do not thing he realized what that meant. Maybe one or two miracles or plagues before Pharaoh got the idea but definitely not 10 and even then Pharaoh had a change of heart.

You see Moses was learning about perseverance, about not giving up and following through with God’s plan no matter how hard it seemed. First Moses in Exodus 5 tells Pharaoh God’s plan and instead of listening and freeing God’s people, Pharaoh makes their work load so hard that everyone turned against Moses and Aaron. That was when God had to tell Moses to persevere to continue on in the face of adversity. Instead though of telling Moses the hard part was behind him, God tells Moses that Pharaoh’s heart is about to be hardened even more. So then came the plague of a plague of blood (Exodus 7) where the Nile River turns to blood and everything in it dies, followed by plagues of frogs, gnats, and flies. (Exodus 8) Even after these 4 plagues Pharaoh’s heart was still hardened and Moses and Aaron needed to persevere.

Where are you today, does something God has tasked you with seem hard or overwhelming? Have you failed multiple times and you feel dejected or ready to give up? Like Moses and the Israelites your deliverance may be just around the corner the question is are you going to persevere?

In life I have found that it is the hardest moments we face that show God the greatest, as we weather the storms of life we reach a point when we see how God’s hand brought us through. That He never left us or forsake us even if we felt we were alone. And that it was God guiding our steps the whole time. Today whatever you are facing or going through. Place your faith and trust in God, continue to persevere and while it may not be today or this moment. Know that God will see you through.

#Perseverance #iDevo #YFA

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