A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Idolatry - Check out Psalm 106:36

Idols can become a great “snare” (trap) in your life. In other words, they pull you or draw you away from God. Our church attendance becomes rare. Our Bible reading is virtually non-existent. It can happen! DON’T GO THERE! (Psalm 106:36)

David talks about the Isrealites serving their many idols in Psalm 106:36, “And served their idols, which became a snare to them.” Idols are a great “snare” (trap) in your life. In other words, they pull you or draw you away from God. In these situations this can look like less faith in God, less church attendance, little to no prayer life, Bible reading becoming non-existent, thoughts becoming “worldly” focused. This can easily happen when you lose focus and prioritization on God! DON’T GO THERE!

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