A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Where Do You Stand?

Do you know what the book of the Lord says? Check out Isaiah 34. #YFA #iDevo

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We live in a day and age where information is at your finger tips. Whatever information you want it is out there some true and factual but a lot completely false or slightly untrue. There are a lot of places to seek information but there is only one place to find the truth. The book of the Lord is the Word of God and it is where true truth can be found. The thing is there are a lot of counterfeits out there, people that try to twist scripture to fit and agenda or take a scripture out of context from the verses before and after to proof and untrue point. As believers we are challenged to show ourselves studied and approved of what is written in the Bible. We have to have the word written on our heart and be able to wield it like a mighty warrior.

Make a commitment today to seek the book of the Lord. To read it on a daily basis and allow it to be written on your heart. It is what Jesus used to defeat satan in the desert and it is what is available to you to defeat the lies of the enemy. You may hear not good enough, not qualified, not experienced, not old enough, or too old, your a woman, or you are single, you have kids, you can’t, whatever the discouragement you have been hearing know YOU CAN. To do it though you have to stand on the Word and live a life that draws people to Christ.

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