False Worship
Where have you placed your trust? Check out Isaiah 20. #YFA #iDevo
One of the hardest things in life is having faith and trusting in God. Our human nature is to trust the physical or the tangible. What we can see and do. As believers though we are challenged to take a step beyond our reality and trust God to equip or supply us with what we can not do on our own. in theory it is a great plan but one that can be a struggle in the moment.
In Isaiah we see how Egypt placed their hope in other things and that trust failed them in the end. It is a reminder that our hope needs to be in Jesus Chris and not man made things. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us and to be with us always. He is our covering during trying times and our light guiding us out of darkness. So no matter what you are going through today. Set your eyes on Jesus and allow Him to guide you through these trying times.