A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Two Paths, One Choice!

Having a hard time making a decision? Needing guidance on which way to turn? Can’t choose between option A or B? Check out Proverbs 14 to get some direction! #YFA #iDevo

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The book of Proverbs is full of advice and instruction on how to live a godly life. It gives us wisdom for making choices on a day-to-day basis. Proverbs 14 is no different. A couple of the verses in this chapter mention “paths”. Verse 2 says “Those who follow the right path fear the Lord; those who take the wrong path despise him.” Verse 12 says “There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.”

According to these verses there are two paths that we can take...the RIGHT path or the WRONG path. So, how do we know which one is right and which one is wrong?  The path that may seem right may not necessarily be the way to go. Sometimes the easy way out looks enticing by offering many options with few sacrifices. It doesn’t require you to change your lifestyle and doesn’t put moral restraints on your actions. Taking shortcuts that appear to be easy allow fast resolutions, but ultimately don’t end in the RIGHT solution. The wrong path ends in destruction! 

Choosing the right path often requires hard work and sacrifices.  It may not be easy and others may not agree with or understand your decision. It may not be the most popular or what everyone else is doing. Making the right choice is following God’s Word. The right path ends in everlasting life! 

Therefore, choose JESUS! If you make the choice to follow Him, He will help you with every other decision that you have to make. Let Him guide and direct every area of your life.  There are TWO PATHS, but ONE CHOICE...WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE?

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