A daily reminder to consume a living hope


What is a Disciple? Duplication

Matthew 25:14-30

If someone asks, "What is a Disciple?'' most of us think of 12 men following Jesus down a dusty road wearing some pretty sweet sandals. We imagine them hanging out with Jesus and listening to his teachings, nothing more than props in a play titled, " The Life of Jesus".

The truth is, discipleship is SO MUCH MORE. Yes, a disciple is a student of the master. And yes, the follower is the back drop to the main act. What is the "SO MUCH MORE" part, you ask? Duplication!

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells the story of a wealthy businessman who was preparing to set off on a long trip. He called three of his servants together, and gave each servant different amounts of gold according to each one's ability.

The Bible tells us that the first two servants immediately went to work and doubled their masters investment. The third servant, however, wasn't proactive. If nothing else, he could have walked the investment down to the bank for simple interest, but he chose to bury it.

When the Master returned, the first two servants greeted the businessman with great news. They had doubled his investment. He was more than pleased. Then the third one came along with nothing more than the initial investment. The servant had made no attempt to duplicate the money. His master called him lazy, took his talent, and then invested the talent in someone who would make use of it. The third servant failed to work hard, to believe in himself, and most importantly to understand that the master believed in him. The master didn't give him the talent in order to fail. The master knew he could have succeeded.

Discipleship is all about DUPLICATION!

1. They learned to act quick! As soon as the master left the investment, they IMMEDIATELY began to work.

2. They returned to the master exactly what he had given to them, and provided an increase by duplication.

Be a Duplicating Disciple! God has given you talents to use NOW. Just as He has given you life, be a life giver to others.

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