A daily reminder to consume a living hope


Faith: Keep Your Focus

Read Matthew 14:22-33 for the full story

Matthew 14:31-32 But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted.  Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?”

Some facts about the story:

The dangerous winds and waves were there before Peter got out of the boat.

Jesus could walk on water through the storm.

Peter had the Faith to get out of the boat.

Peter walked on water when His eye were on Jesus.

When Peter focused on his circumstances he lost faith.

Sometimes we have the faith to start something but as reality sets in we lose hope and faith. We see our own limitations or everything that is against us and we doubt, we lose heart. For some we give up. As Jesus told Peter, “Why did you doubt me?”

If we truly trust God and have faith that He will help us to overcome our situation and see us through, it means we need to persevere. We need to keep our focus on God and not on our circumstance. So today, no matter what you are facing or going through. Don’t lose focus. Keep your eyes on God and trust Him to see you through.

YFA Staff