Anger or Peace?
Psalm 37:8 "Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper - it only leads to harm."
We’ve all gotten mad at times in our life. Maybe it is at yourself because you have misplaced your keys or wallet, again and you are late for school or work. Maybe it is at a spouse, parent, child, friend, or teacher for something they said or did. The truth is in life, offenses happen. What we do in response to the offense will determine the course of our life.
David understood anger and rage. King Saul tried to have him killed chucking spears at him and even hunting him down. He was surrounded by other people who had anger issues and would have loved nothing better than to see Saul killed. As a matter of fact in 1 Samuel 26 one of David’s men Abashai stands over the sleeping Saul with a spear wanting to kill him. Yet for all that Saul had done to David no matter how justified he might have been David choose peace.
The question for you today is, has your temper has gotten so out of control that anger has gotten the better of you, that rage and hate are consuming you? If it has and it is something you need to work on. There is hope, God can bring peace to the turmoil that is inside you and calm the anger waiting to burst forth if you will surrender to Him today. Make today the start of a new day one in which you choose peace over anger, forgiveness over the hatred and bitterness.
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