Walk By Faith
This week we’ve been talking about FAITH. One of the most iconic verses about faith is 2 Cor. 5:7 “ For we live by faith and not by sight.”
When I think of great faith, I always think of GREAT people! The disciples, Billy Graham, Mark Buntain, Mother Theresa. I wouldn’t really put myself in the same category as them. But that’s exactly what 2 Corinthians is talking about. Their faith was not in themselves, but in Jesus, son of God, the all-powerful creator of the universe, who can do ANYTHING!
This makes me think of another who put her faith in Jesus.
She was insignificant, actually cast out of society and alone, the bible doesn’t even mention her by name, The Bleeding woman, or the Woman with the issue of Blood. She encountered many obstacles: (title screen: Found in Mark 5, Matthew 9, & Luke 8)
SITUATION – of her illness -- a body, a circumstance, that told her she can’t….. 12 years of being sick, she spent all of her money on doctor after doctor, she had no life except trying to get well…. 12 years… of praying, hoping, trying to find a cure….. she also faced a
SOCIETY – of limitations --- in her day and age, to be bleeding constantly meant that she was considered unclean. Someone who can’t be touched or socialized with… can you imagine how ALONE she must have felt??? People telling her she can’t, she can’t go to worship with other believers, she can’t be with her family and friends, after 12 years, did she even have any family and friends left?
She also faced:
PEOPLE-- of Judgement. She began to step out and when she did, there were even more obstacles. LITERALLY Jesus was separated from her by the bodies of other people. So many that when Jesus healed her, he couldn’t even see her through the crowds of other people. People who were probably disgusted by her condition, people pushing her down so they could get close themselves, people who were more concerned with their own agenda than compassion…..
In spite of all of this, the woman did not give up, she was brave, desperate, and TRUSTED Jesus, and Jesus was the difference she’d been looking for. When she finally pushed through, she was healed, and Jesus said to her, “woman, your faith has made you whole”
We are often like her, held back from faith, by situations, society, and people. Today, do what she did, push through, keep going, realize that you are not alone. Jesus is bigger than your situation, bigger than society, bigger than other people, and if you step out in faith, at the right moment, you will see victory. Walking by FAITH is about trusting that JESUS is the answer and He is greater than what you face so turn to HIM every time!